
“Die Rettung der uns bekannten Welt” – World premiere

Til Schweiger’s new movie “Die Rettung der uns bekannten Welt” just had its world premiere this week!

Congratulations to our authors Josef Akdil and Michel van Dyke, who contributed to the music of this production:
Benjamin Amaru – You Don´t Know, written by Josef Akdil
Van Dyke – Unbroken, written by Michel van Dyke

Happy, that “Unbroken” is the official theme song of the movie!
Check out the music video on YouTube!

A seventeen-year-old is diagnosed as bipolar and sent to a psychiatric center by his father after trying to commit suicide. Paul finds other youth there who have similar mental health issues and has to make a decision: Does he still want to run away from his disease?

The movie is out in cinemas from November 11th on.

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